Nonequilibrium dynamics of many-body quantum systems has become one of the most advanced contemporary research areas in solid-state physics, ultracold atoms, nanophysics and quantum devices. Understanding such dynamics, which in some cases leads to unusual nonequilibrium steady states, presents a challenge to experimentalists and theory alike. Equally concurrent is an open question related to the role of ergodicity breaking mechanisms in many-body quantum systems, e.g., in systems subject to strong disorder. At the same time, new and sometimes unexpected experimental discoveries provide a stimulus for theory. This workshop continues the tradition with the 10th focused workshop on nonequilibrium phenomena. The aim is to bring together experiments and theory in an informal setting that has been extremely stimulating on previous occasions. The workshop intends to bring together scientists working in the field of:
- Nonequilibrium dynamics in correlated solid-state systems such as charge density wave, superconducting and magnetic systems
- Nonequilibrium dynamics in “artificial” quantum systems such as ultracold atoms in optical lattices and quantum dots
- Nonequilibrium dynamics and measures of ergodicity in quantum many-body systems
- Finite-temperature properties of systems with strong electron or electron-phonon interactions
The conference will take place in a hybrid format. Remote participation will also be provided via the Zoom platform. Remote presentations will be broadcasted live to the audience physically attending the meeting and vice versa. In the case of significant COVID-19 situation worsening the conference will be online only.
Group photo from NQW 2021